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- Category: Themes
- Version 1.1.0
Easy flat responsive osclass theme for any device with unique design and powerful functions
Professional Design theme with Unlimited colors, integrated interactive Google Map and many more.
This is a very fast theme for any classifieds website.
Template options are described below.
1. Search placeholder
2.Show lists in Search pages as Gallery/List
3.Category Icon in latest and search items ON/OFF
4. Search in Main page with Subcategories ON/OFF
5.Search in Main page select options
6. Categories in main page ON/OFF
7.Categories description in Search pages
8. Carousel1 in Main page: Premium/Popular/Hide
9. Carousel2 in Main page: Premium/Popular/Hide
10. No. of items in carousels
11. No. of items in Latest Items Block
12. Main Partner Logos Block ON/OFF
13. Main Google Map ON/OFF
14. Google Map style select
15. Google Maps JavaScript Api Key
16. Google Geocoding Api Key
17. No. of items in Map
1. H1 Intro Text
2. H2 Intro Text
3. Upload Header Background
4. Middle Block ON/OFF
5. H2 First Text in Middle Block
6. Description to the first text in Middle Block
7. Text of the first list item in Middle Block
8.Text of the second list item in Middle Block
9. Text of the last list item in Middle Block
10. H2 Last Text
11. Upload Background for Middle Block
12. Bottom Block ON/OFF
13. H2 Left Text
14. Left subtitle text
15. H2 Right Text
16. Right subtitle text
17. Upload Background for Bottom Block
1. Logo ON/OFF
2. Recent ItemsON/OFF
3. Categories ON/OFF
4. Footer Text
5. Address
6. Contact phone
7. E-mail
8. Copyright
9. Links to Social Networks
10. Upload footer logo
1. Advanced search Country field ON/OFF
2. Search Block Position Right/Left
3. No. of Premium items
You can select unlimited colors with Color Picker :
1. Item post options
2. Item page options
3. Related Ads
Places for Google Adsense or something like this
Upload brand logos for block in main page.
1. Upload Header Logo
2. Upload Favicon
3. Upload Category icons
4. Manage widgets in footer
Compatible with original Osclass 3.5.0 - 3.8.1 , Osclass Evolution 4.1.0 - 4.x.x (latest)
Translated: English and will be translated into other languages
And full ready to translate to any other language: How translate theme
Important! Using a Google Maps requires a Google Maps API keys.
Ultimate payments - this is a powerful plugin for earning on your Osclass website. Osclass payments plugin allows you to work with Paypal, Stripe, Braintree, 2Checkout, Skrill, Payza, Paysafecard, Payumoney, Fortumo (SMS payments, Work only in Wallet ),Blockchain (Bitcoins) and will be more! Admin Demo Live DemoDepending on your country, you can accept payments with Paypal, Bank Cards, Mobil..
SEO PRO - Osclass Seo plugin which will help you optimize site for Search Engines. Here is everything you need for SEO optimization. Options to edit Title, Description and Keywords for most important pages. Very efficient and functional sitemap generator. Robots.txt editor. HTACCESS editorOpen Graph markup And other functions Category You can add custom Title, Description ..
Osclass Ultimate plugins Pack for professionals- SEO PRO- Ultimate Payments- Ultimate Messages - Ultimate Social Login- Google Maps ProThis is a wonderful Pack of the most necessary plugins for professionals. HERE IS EVERYTHING NEEDED...
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