Osclass Social login new version 1.3.0
Osclass Social login new version 1.3.0

Osclass Social login new version 1.3.0

Osclass Social login plugin new version 1.3.0 . 

1. Fix for Facebook (If the user does not give access to the email, he can not register)

On Facebook there is a possibility to prohibit giving an e-mail to Facebook login.

If the user prohibits giving his email, the plugin will not register it.

The user will be shown a message that in order to register on the site he must provide his email.

2.  User ID done as in Osclass by default.

Each new user will receive a ID number in order as 1,2,3, 4

The new version of the plugin can already be downloaded in personal account.

To upgrade, you can simply replace the plugin files on the hosting.