How to update Osclass manually?
How to update Osclass manually?

How to update Osclass manually?

How to update Osclass manually? 


1. Back up the site and database files

2. Download the archive with the new version : DOWNLOAD OSCLASS

3. Unzip the archive on your computer

4. Replace files on your hosting:  oc-admin and oc-includes folders completely (all files, replacing containers with new ones)

Also replace the files in Osclass folder : oc-load.php and index.php

5. Go to the  Osclass admin panel and click the Update button

6. Done. You are now using the new version

Important information:

Do not replace the file the config.php file, it contains important information for connecting to the database.

Or, if you update it, then copy the data from the old file into it: the database name, login and password from the database and url of the site.

Do not update the folder oc-content - this folder contains your themes and plugins. If improvements were made to them, then they will be lost.

Also, if you made any changes manually in folders oc-admin and oc-includes,  they will be lost.  After the update, you will have to do them again.